I’m Back!

13 Apr

I could make up a million excuses for why I haven’t updated my blog in more than a year, leaving it with a paltry two posts to boot. But, rather than be lame, I’ll simply renew my vow to share my baking and other epicurean experiences.

Since my last blog post, I’ve decided to become “veganish.” Meaning, that I’ve adopted a more plant-based approach to eating, which I must say, has done wonders for my energy level and overall well-being. However, how can I abandon the allure of butter, sugar and chocolate, which are some of the mainstays of baking? I can’t. And we all know that substitutes for these ingredients pale in comparison to the real thing.

So, I’m choosing to follow a mainly vegan diet — more so a “vegan before 6:00 pm” diet — so that I can enjoy a “real” chocolate chip cookie, a “real” croissant, etc. with reckless abandon.


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